Gordon Gekko's Airline Management Tips
What can airlines learn from watching the classic film Wall Street?
Way back in the 80s business was all about sharp suits, bright braces and slick hair. Your favourite airline revenue economist cannot remember the last time he worked with somebody who was wearing a tie. Truly the past is a different country.
80s office tech was all about telexes and green screens. Hmm… When it comes to airlines, maybe things are not so different now after all (see article).
The ultimate 80s business antagonist was corporate raider Gordon Gekko. His story was told in the excellent Oliver Stone film Wall Street (actual street in New York City pictured above). An important part of the tale revolves around his efforts to buy Blue Star Airlines alongside his associate Bud Fox. A lot of what Gekko has to say is relevant for airlines today. Read on to find out how…
Caution: if you have not yet seen Wall Street this article contains spoilers!